I’ve got some GREAT news about Reverend Phelps. No, he’s isn’t dead yet (walking dead, maybe; heartless for sure.) but he’s pushing his crusade into self-destruct mode. Lately he and his church have been
protesting at the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. What’s great about it is how isolated he’s becoming. I mean, you don’t have to love gay marriage to oppose this guy’s funeral protestations. The best part (by which I mean the part that most red-flags Phelps’ lunacy) is
the basis for his demonstrations: that the soldiers are fighting in a “fag army” for a “fag nation.” Wow. 2nd grade sandbox, anyone? He celebrates the sodliers’ deaths and proclaims that they’re hellbound for protecting our fag country. The second best part is that he calls the demonstrations part of his
Love Crusade.
Fag Army? Love Crusade? Uh...Circuit Party?
Who but a desperately horny gay man would think of the US Army as a queertopia? And until queer people have the same rights as straight people, this is FAR from a fag nation. I mean it’s like if fucking Ronald Regan had in 1955, still an actor, proclaimed while horse-back riding that America was Niggerland. I mean really.
The idea that
God has a hand in the suffering and death of people who fail to uphold some standard of Christian morality is far from new. The application of that idea in relation to the deaths of soldiers—well I’ve never heard that before. Hats off to Phelps and his fellow bretheren for keeping their hate creative.
Close your eyes now and imagine you are a Christian during the first part of the 1900’s and you walk by some Hasidic men and you think, “gee those Jews really bug me with their Jew ways. I hate those Jews.” And then down the street you see Hitler who shows you what it really means to hate Jews. Crazy, right? Eye opening? It’s like in-your-face therapy. On a much smaller and safer scale, what Phelps is doing has a similar effect. I just hope his insanity gets him more press so that others can be awakened to what it really means to hate fags.
Of course, at the end of the day, can you really take this man so seriously? Check out this link for a quick antidote to Phelps’s poison: