Thursday, July 27. 2006PermissionTrackbacks
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Wow! What a perfect explanation of the issue. Short, sweet, clear and to the point.
2006-07-29 22:07
Connects on a personal and emotional level, which is where the experts keep saying the GLBT community has failed. Note about defined tags: let's not use "gay marriage" or "same sex marriage" without the more accurate "marriage equality," OK?
2006-07-30 16:19
Thanks for noticing that we didn't include our "marriage equality tag" on this post, (you'll see it on other posts as it's already in our system) we've added it now to this post.
I do agree with you that it belongs in the tags, however; in terms of "more accurate" I'll leave that to the llinguists. I do think that "marriage equality" is a great term for getting people to think about what the issue is really about so for that reason alone we should all try to use it more often.
2006-07-31 12:29
To the right of the video was this poll question:
Gay Marriage Poll: What should we call our marriages? Marriage Civil Union Queeriage Nothing, marriage is for heteros Shouldn't it be a marriage or nothing? Face it: "A rose by any other name..." sucks. That's really the point. Call it marriage with all the attendant responsibilities and *benefits*, and recognize the commitment that goes along with it.
2006-08-02 03:22
and, you know, in a way i really give a crap what it's called as long as we can HAVE it already, but it just doesn't seem to work that way; so, marriage it is goddamit. hey Sascha: dunno if you got my message, but would love to see you this Sat. (or soon), along with D, Rey, & Alex.
I just wanted to say that I really like the video. I happened upon your site as I was doing some research for a paper I am writing on gay marriage as a civil right for my political science class.
I hope to see it on the air, I think that it makes a great statement. Good Luck
2008-03-18 15:04
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