Big Mouth is going to go out on a limb and say something that nobody wants to hear right now, something that I'm sure even Big Queer readers (and contributors) will find extremely unpopular: I don't think visiting prostitutes and having bareback anal sex makes Eliot Spitzer unable to govern the state of New York.
I get the part where I'm supposed to be all upset that he broke a law -- and I'm totally upset about that, and I'm totally aware of how it is particularly hypocritical that Mr. Clean/Eliot Ness broke one. I GET IT. But as I have written on this blog over and over and over again, we Americans allow sex panic to prevent us from making intelligent decisions about the laws we pass, media representation, people in office, and HIV/AIDS.
Here are some statements I can make with complete and total confidence:
- Many political leaders, good and bad, in the history of the world have had sex with prostitutes.
- Many political leaders, good and bad, in the history of the world have had unsafe sex.
- Many political leaders, good and bad, in the history of the world have had unsafe sex with prostitutes.
But you know what else? What they did behind closed doors did very little (possibly nothing) to harm their constituents.

It's not like they, oh, declared certain parts of the world free from the Geneva Conventions so they could abduct their own citizenry, torture, and kill them. It's not like they made backroom deals with wealthy fat cats that would poison people's land, water, food, and drink, knowingly giving them diseases and medical conditions for which they couldn't pay. It's not like they lied about oil and religion in order to convince thousands and thousands of young men to commit murder and then die in the process.
And if they did do those things and the dirty sex things, too, I don't think their unwise ass-fucking effected those decisions. Just like being queer won't make you "too distracted" to fight for your country; or make your weak, homosexual mind sell state secrets to THE REDS; or make you unfit to raise a family, run a business, or lead a nation.
You get me? Our reactions lack any sensible proportion. Mass killings happen and we -- the American people -- debate what our involvement should be, but some dude pays $5000 an hour for some extramarital rumpy-pumpy and we're all about that Federal case. And, following the same logic, because we're queer or perceived as queer we lack the moral compass to do, well... ANYTHING -- regardless of what we or our accusers actually do in the bedroom.
There are many more illegal and immoral things happening right now, but our inability as Americans to shed this Puritanical sex panic reflex leaves us obsessed with personal scandal instead of prosecuting public crimes. We're devouring wacky celebrity behavior and not digesting substantive issues. And we're staying ashamed of our bodies and what we do with them, rather than attempting to develop a working body politic.
Throw the negative karma and comments my way, I don't give a crap. Because Big Mouth is dead right on this one. You won't convince me otherwise.