Tuesday, October 28. 2008
 Just when you were forgetting who Alice is dating, what Jenny's latest tantrum was about, or who went down on whom in last season's finale, the L Word's Season 5 is out on DVD and we are giving away some sets!
If you want to catch up on some luscious lady loving before the next and final season airs in January 2009, just post a juicy comment/response/critique to this entry, and the first 11 of you who do can get The L Word: The Complete Fifth Season. (If you are one of the first 11 to post, we will contact you off list to receive your full information and shipping details. Don't forget to enter your e-mail address -- giveaway ends Nov. 10, 2008).
I will be sorry to see them go but we'll just have to cross our fingers for the planned spinoff starring Leisha Hailey (there's something in that name...Alice!)
THE L WORD returns to DVD with THE COMPLETE FIFTH SEASON on October 21ST in a collectible 4-disc set. DVD includes all 12 dramatic and deliciously provocative Fifth season episodes from Showtime's successful long-running series featuring all the beauty, chaos and complexities of a group of women who inhabit Los Angeles' lesbian community plus behind-the-scenes special features.

Box image and The L Word: The Complete Fifth Season © 2008 Showtime Networks Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, March 31. 2008
 Last night, as I was watching a recent edition of CBS News on Logo I could not believe the news of an Idaho Strawberry farmer who changed his name to Pro-Life (yes, that's his full, and only name.) Formerly named Marvin Pro-Life Richardson is running for the Senate seat held by Larry Craig and wanted to make sure that the ballot would clearly reflect his platform. You can read the full article on CBS News online.
So, as I enthusiastically ponder on the easiness of changing one's name in this country, any suggestions on how I could best communicate my support of marriage equality?
Thursday, March 8. 2007
This past Saturday night, a packed Theatre at Madison Square Garden rocked to the beat of one of the most energetic, and definitely gayest music groups I've ever seen perform - Scissor Sisters.
 I wouldn't have expected less from a band named after a lesbian sex position!
It was refreshing to hear good vocals, combined with a passion for what they do so well - perform & entertain packed venues. They started in 2001 and from the last time I saw them play at Bowery Ballroom, this band has definitely grown up! You may have caught their latest video of "I Don't Feel Like Dancin'" on Logo, or even read or seen them in "Out Magazine's list of Top 100 gay and lesbian success stories of 2006".
In any case, if you have never heard them, or of them - do yourself a favor, and run, don't walk, to your nearest CD store. And maybe soon we can start a petition for them to return to their original name - Dead Lesbian and the Fibrillating Scissor Sisters.
Wednesday, March 7. 2007
 So, finally! Our favorite female financier has publicly come out in an interview with NY Times Magazine.
I would normally ask - what's the big deal? The more the merrier, and well, it was about time my suspicions were confirmed! But (now this is Suze Orman talk), "girlfriend! What do you mean you're a 55-Year Old Virgin?"
Now, I may love her show (particularly that section "Can I Afford It?"), and will continue to keep her on my DVR, but I find it outrageous that she defines virginity as that which can only be lost when a man and a woman have sex!
I can't help but wonder how this makes K.T., her life partner, feel? How would YOU feel?
Tuesday, August 8. 2006
You may have read Sascha's entry on Homophobia in Poland. Unfortunately, this entry reports on homophobia in Poland, but this time in our own state of Maine.
 I was recently in Maine and heard news of a disgusting hate crime that took place in this small town. Two young teenagers broke into the home of a lesbian couple and completely trashed the place. I am still sickened by the images as I continue to read updates on the case.
Please see this website, maintained by the couple's son, for the full story, photos, and even video.
I would love to hear your reactions to this story. Mine have varied since I heard the story, but currently, I'm:
Continue reading "Homophobia in Poland (Maine)"
Friday, June 16. 2006
 Last night my partner and I had the fortune to see the seconf of Rufus Wainwright's performances in Carnegie Hall as he recreated Judy Garland's famous April 23rd, 1961 concert in the same venue.
The NYTimes, although harsh in their review described it as "a tour de force of politically empowering performance art in which a proudly gay male performer paid homage to the original and most durable gay icon in the crowded pantheon of pop divas." Yes, he was proud, we felt proud, and the entire hall had the gayest, most wonderful vibe. The only downside, of course, was the longest line I have ever seen for the bar at intermission!
For a detailed recount, and a more generous review than the Times, read today's review in Reuters.
Do I hear any other Rufus fans out there?
Thursday, June 1. 2006
Exciting news! The new batwoman, just released by DC Comics is coming out (literally) as a lesbian! See this article on CNN for more information.
I think my favorite comment is "Wouldn't ugly people as heroes be more groundbreaking?" asked one poster. "You know, 200-pound woman, man with horseshoe hair loss pattern, people with cold sores, etc.?" Hmm...how to interpret that? I guess I will take it as a nice compliment indicating that lesbians are not ugly! I'll make sure to let my 200-pound, hair-losing lesbian friends know...
Now, my only question is...how long before Batman & Robin finally come out?
Thursday, April 27. 2006
 Blogger sloganx recently posted a link to this online quiz that asks "What type of lesbian are you?" Yes, I admit to it - I love completing whatever quiz/survey/personality/iq test may come in my direction, so I gave it a shot. Actually, I first surveyed my partner. And as we sat in front of my computer we actually wondered where those women are, the ones described by the quiz. We answered "disagree" to most of the questions, and we were still put into categories we don't relate to. She, as a "granola dyke" (with which she feels actually insulted) and me, "the pretty-boi dyke." Really?! Wow, I guess I should update my bigqueer bio!
Continue reading "The standard categories...stereotyping gays & lesbians"
Saturday, April 22. 2006
 My partner and I were recently contacted by a reality-based TV show that documents people in the process of buying a new home. We think it's a hilarious prospect and have gone ahead with our audition tape (which they loved), and are now finalizing dates for the taping. I am still hesitant. Will we be fulfilling yet another gay/lesbian/alternative checkbox for the TV show? Will they edit our segments to emphasize our "alternative" lifestyle? Or, shall we go ahead with it, hoping that we can contribute to the positive protrayal of LGBTs in mainstream media? Wouldn't it be exciting if we were featured with no mention of our sexuality, in the same way that last night's episode did not introduce "Dick & Jane, a heterosexual couple looking for their first home."
Continue reading "Will we just be the token lesbians?"
Tuesday, March 14. 2006

When I was first trying to come out to my mother (yes, you may know how the story goes - you know, she knows, you know that she knows, but the pink elephant can be ignored), she started quite passive agressively blurbing out homophobic comments. It was, I guess, her way of saying, "I know what you're up to, and I don't agree."
The comments started with, "Oh, my goodness, did you hear that Jodie Foster is a lesbian?!" There were others I don't exactly remember, but the one that will always remain in my heart was [as my mother pointed to our bedsheets we have had since the 70's, with rainbows on them], "Why did gays have to pick the rainbow as their flag? They have now ruined my sheets!"
So, yes, those gays have forever ruined all that which is rainbow-colored. So...how about Rainbow Brite as our poster girl, ladies?