This coming Wednesday will be Human Rights Day (as well as the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). The
United Nations General Assembly will hold a special meeting to commemorate the occasion.
During the meeting, the General Assembly will call for a de-criminalization of homosexuality for all the countries. Currently, being gay can land you in prisons or get you executed in more than 80 countries. This will be the be the first international human rights convention that acknowledges the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders.
Oh, and guess who will be opposing it? The Vatican.
In other words, the Vatican doesn’t think that we should stop persecuting, or let’s just say, killing, GLBT people. I shouldn’t be so surprised by their constant effort to “protect traditional marriage” by sacrificing the gays. However, it also brings up so much anger and issues that I have with this religion I was brought up in, so much that I wish I could
de-baptize myself right now, even though I refuse to call myself a Catholic anymore.
P.S. To be fair, the Organisation of The Islamic Conference will also be opposing it. However, I'll leave it to my Islamic friends to get their frustrations out.