We Chinese queers have reappropriated the term comrades, or
tong-zhi (同志), to describe ourselves for almost 20 years. Literally,
tong-zhi means "having the same will." It's used to describe not only homos, but also bisexuals and transgenders. It's more like the term LGBT, or in fact, "queer", which really embraces everyone who have the same intention and goal to reach equality for the LGBTs.
Four Chinese queer films will be coming to New York later in September during the Chinese LGBT Film Festival, titled "Comrades," during which we can get a glimpse of the lives of queers through the lens of a bunch of Chinese filmmakers.
It's worth mentioning that the first
tong-zhi film festival in mainland China in 2001 was shut down by the Chinese National Security Agency.
For more information, visit
Asia Catalyst.