Are Bisexual people capable of wholly loving a person who is wholly homosexual? No really, it’s a serious question for folks of all sexualities (yes, queeries, you too). People all the time accuse bisexuals of not knowing who they want, of being wishy-washy. Sounds like paranoia. Like, if I really love a guy and he’s bi and he really loves me, what else matters? So maybe this guy wants a girlfriend, too? Well that’s something we negotiate. Maybe I really want two boyfriends. There’s no reason that can’t work—relationships are contracts, so figure out the terms you wanna agree to and sign up.
After all, if you can really get EVERYTHING you need/want in a relationship from ONE INDIVIDUAL, why have friends?
There are
plenty of polyamorous couples out there being happy and we don’t find out about them because most of us are so hung up on a) Monogamy and b) Homogeneity that we prefer not to inquire. So we make society: 1 fag with 1 fag, 1dyke with 1 dyke, 1 breeder with 1 breeder and 1 bi with…That’s where people get stumped isn’t it. Because they don’t know what a bisexual person wants and they assume that since Bi means “two”, a bisexual wants at minimum two people, one of each gender, in order to be fulfilled. Red Alert, Red Alert! There’s nothing in the Manual of Perfect Bliss about this! HELP!