Last week it was revealed that Manhunt co-founder and presumptive bear
Jonathan Crutchley donated the legal maximum of $2,300 to Republican Senator John McCain's presidential campaign. According to an article in
Towleroad, Manhunt's board has forced Crutchley to step down in the wake of the backlash and calls for a boycott by Manhunt members. Though Crutchley has "stepped down," he'll likely still benefit financially from the company he helped start, so next time you renew your membership to the gay networking sex site, think about where that money is going. Sadly, neither McCain nor Democratic rival Barack Obama supports gay marriage, but last week during a faith forum hosted by Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren, McCain said he would support a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman if states are forced by federal judges to acknowledge other states' marriages. Obama supports civil unions. Separate but equal, but at least equal—for now.