First Clay Aiken and now Lindsay Lohan? Rumors have been swirling about La Lohan’s relationship with Samantha Ronson for months but the formerly troubled (and heterosexual) actress finally spilled the beans. The 22-year-old told “Loveline” host Ted Stryker that she’s been dating the 31-year-old DJ “for a very long time.” It remains to be seen how Dina feels about this development, or whether Lohan’s tryst is just a phase a la lesbian defector Anne Heche or if it’s part of a more long-term discovery. Either way, Lohan’s public statement is likely to keep her front and center on the gossip blogs and tabloid circuit while her career—which currently consists of a recurring role on
Ugly Betty and an upcoming feature in which she fakes being pregnant to avoid losing her job—continues to wane.