I’ve got some GREAT news about Reverend Phelps. No, he’s isn’t dead yet (walking dead, maybe; heartless for sure.) but he’s pushing his crusade into self-destruct mode. Lately he and his church have been
protesting at the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. What’s great about it is how isolated he’s becoming. I mean, you don’t have to love gay marriage to oppose this guy’s funeral protestations. The best part (by which I mean the part that most red-flags Phelps’ lunacy) is
the basis for his demonstrations: that the soldiers are fighting in a “fag army” for a “fag nation.” Wow. 2nd grade sandbox, anyone? He celebrates the sodliers’ deaths and proclaims that they’re hellbound for protecting our fag country. The second best part is that he calls the demonstrations part of his
Love Crusade.
Fag Army? Love Crusade? Uh...Circuit Party?