Pandas. Everyone one of them political, pandering pandas. As Big Mouth said previously, "Let's stop kidding ourselves that any Republican will support queer people with their actions in office instead of throwing us to their party when they need to shore up their base."
A tolerance march in Poland erupted into violence as anti-gay protesters conntected to the government threw stones, brcks and eggs at gay marchers. The protesters, members of the All Poland Youth, held what they called a Tradition march according to the BBC. Marchers in the gay and lesbian Equality Days march attempted to change their route but were confronted by the youth marchers and attacked them causing dozens of injuries and some hospitalizations.
Poland is not known for their tolerance of gays which became painfully clear when they elected Lech Kaczynski, the outspoken anti-gay former Mayor of Warsaw, as their president last year. As mayor of Kaczynski twice banned a gay equality parade but allowed an anti-gay "normality parade and is infamous for calling homosexuality un-natural.
Shortly after being elected the European Commission warned that Poland could lose their voting rights in the EU in part because of Kaczynski's strong oppostion to gay gay rights protected by the EU's minority protection rules.
"I don't know which is worse, to be one of the living dead or to be just dead."
--From an anonymous Jamaican lesbian, as quoted in a recent feature by Gary Younge writing for the Guardian online. He provides a complete picture of the stakes of being homosexual in Jamaica, including the ways in which national identity and class affect the perception and reception of homosexuality. And as an addendum I’d suggest reading two comments posted to my entry a while back about the same issues. The entries are by Jamaicans: one taking a defensive posture against my so-called falsehoods about homosexuality in Jamaica; the other a touching expansion of the dangers faced by gays and lesbians on the island.
And if you read nothing else, check out this excerpt from Younge’s article:
“Earlier this month the Sunday Herald ran a front page headline "No homos!" in which opposition leader Bruce Golding vowed, according to the paper, that "homosexuals would find no solace in any cabinet formed by him". The statement was supported by several clergyman and a trade union leader. During the 2001 elections Golding's party used as its theme song Chi Chi man by T.O.K. Lyrics, which celebrates the burning and killing of gay men.”
For his personal gain, gay playwright Alan Bennett would like you to forget recent history, pretend the queer rights movement never happened, and recreate those heavenly days when embracing gay identity meant becoming a washed up pedophile, impotent cripple, or insane recluse. And with the transfer from London's West End to New York's Great White Way of his repugnantly, unabashedly bigoted and self-loathing play The History Boys, it looks like Mr. Bennett is gaining considerably from his homophobic lapse in memory. I attended last night's opening performance at the The Broadhurst Theatre and witnessed decades of queer liberation getting pissed on to thunderous applause.
Before I go on, I should say that The National Theatre's well-executed production features a company that skillfully elicits compassion, inspired yet efficient direction, and admirable production design that includes sudden colors in stark gray classrooms and simple and effective video. The play inself masterfully handles rhetorical language and makes intriguing insights about commemorating events to erase them, subjunctive futures, and constructed histories. Unfortunately, being articulate and well-produced (and himself queer) does not make Mr. Bennett any less bigoted, just as being articulate and well-produced did not make Hitler any less an anti-Semetic monster.
Here are the three queer characters: 1) Hector, a 60-something general studies teacher who fondles the cutest boys while driving them home on his motorbike; 2) Irwin, a mid-20's history teacher bold in rewriting the world's history, but weak and filled with trepidation in having a personal one; and completing the multi-generational hate-fest is 3) Posner, a boy in his final year of grammar school exploring and embracing his queerness. Throw in straight boy Dakin and have him dangle sexual favors in front of all three so they are reduced to pathetic, panting lap dogs, and you've got an award-winning play!
Gay furniture maven Mitchell Gold is working on a national educational campaign to end religious bigotry against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people in the US through the upstart not-for-profit Faith in America.
The organization's mission is for "the emancipation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from bigotry disguised as religious truth" and is headed by the Rev. Jimmy Creech. Gold is the largest contributor to a campaign expected to cost between $10-16 million. The aim is to affect change in just one year. Gold told The Advocate, "This is not 'Let's spend a couple of hundred thousand dollars and let's see what happens. Our attitude is that this is a one-year project. I want to change this country in one year."
The project, which started in February, centers around a media campaign starting with print ads that will appear in local and national markets but will later extend to other media like radio, TV and film according to the organization's website.
On Monday, March 6th, 2006, South Dakota’s governor signed into law an almost total ban on abortion. There are no exceptions except one: the mother’s life must be at risk. Not her HEALTH, but her LIFE. So, if she’s going to suffer because of the pregnancy, well that’s just Eve’s fault. And if she has gotten raped or is pregnant because of incest (consensual or not) too bad so sad. God wants her to have that child. God wanted her to get raped, too I suppose.
South Dakota Republican senator Bill Napoli said on PBS that exceptions are possible in cases of rape or incest under the provision that protects the mother’s life and when asked for an example scenario under which an exception for rape might be made, he said:
"A real-life description to me would be a rape victim, brutally raped, savaged," he said. "The girl was a virgin. She was religious. She planned on saving her virginity until she was married. She was brutalised and raped, sodomised as bad as you can possibly make it, and is impregnated. I mean, that girl could be so messed up, physically and psychologically, that carrying that child could very well threaten her life."
Sing with me now:
One love
One heart
Let’s get together and kill the queers
Come to Jamaica and get gay bashed.
Many of you might know how notoriously homophobic Jamaica is. The island outlaws homosexuality. If you are suspected of being queer you face jail time and violent crimes that sometimes end in murder.
On the upside, Jamaican officials have allowed the release of Brokeback Mountain in two movie theatres. You can read the Guardian’s report on this decision here.
On the downside, stories of murdered homosexuals abound.
June 2004, Brian Williamson, the island’s leading gay rights activist was murdered in his home, his body was mutilated with a knife and a crowd gathered outside the home celebrated Williamson’s death, shouting homophobic slogans, which are readily heard in Jamaican dancehall songs. One lyric by Beenie Man: “I'm dreaming of a new Jamaica, come to execute all the gays”
Between January 2004 and January 2005, “four LGBT people were murdered and more than 100 suffered physical and/or verbal abuse.” This is according to a 2005 press release from Amnesty International.
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