Former presidential nominee and Massachusetts State Senator John Kerry has been a long-time supporter of the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA), which earned a mainstream press endorsement by
The Washington Post last week, and now the outspoken Democrat has taken on the challenge of trying to overturn a federal judge's decision to send Genesio "Junior" Oliveira back to Brazil after the man was denied asylum. (Read Kerry's statement on the issue at
The Huffington Post.) Oliveira claims he was raped by a Brazilian doctor, and despite the country's anti-discrimination laws, violence against gays and lesbians continues at an alarming rate, including 186 murders last year. Oliveira is married to Tim Coco, and Kerry is pressuring Attorney General Eric Holder to overrule Immigration Judge Francis Cramer's rejection of Oliveira's plea for asylum. Coco has made it a personal crusade to change U.S. law so that gay couples can sponsor their partners for permanent immigration. It's an issue that our friends over at
Immigration Equality have been courageously working on, and one that's close to our hearts.