So here's one of my pet peeves: the term 'herstory.' According to
"Herstory is a neologism coined in the late 1960s as part of a feminist critique of conventional historiography. In feminist discourse the term refers to history (ironically restated as "his story") written from a feminist perspective, emphasizing the role of women, or told from a woman's point of view. (The word history (from the Ancient Greek ιστορία, or istoria, meaning "a learning or knowing by inquiry") is etymologically unrelated to the possessive pronoun his.) The Oxford English Dictionary credits Robin Morgan with coining the term in her 1970 book, Sisterhood is Powerful..."

'Herstory' has been institutionalized in the names of a number of organizations, including the Lesbian Herstory Archives in Brooklyn and the neologism is wildly popular among feminist historians (excuse me, 'herstorians'). Now, I understand perfectly well the origin of the term and it is certainly true that history, as written largely by white men – not to mention conventionally gendered, heterosexual white men with class privilege and the 'right' academic credentials – woefully ignored the lives and perspectives of women (with the exception of a few prominent women, mostly ruling monarchs such as Cleopatra, Elizabeth Tudor, Cixi, and the like).