On Monday, March 6th, 2006,
South Dakota’s governor signed into law an almost total ban on abortion. There are no exceptions except one: the mother’s life must be at risk. Not her HEALTH, but her LIFE. So, if she’s going to suffer because of the pregnancy, well that’s just Eve’s fault. And if she has gotten raped or is pregnant because of incest (consensual or not) too bad so sad. God wants her to have that child. God wanted her to get raped, too I suppose.
South Dakota Republican senator
Bill Napoli said on PBS that exceptions are possible in cases of rape or incest under the provision that protects the mother’s life and when asked for an example scenario under which an exception for rape might be made, he said:
"A real-life description to me would be a rape victim, brutally raped, savaged," he said. "The girl was a virgin. She was religious. She planned on saving her virginity until she was married. She was brutalised and raped, sodomised as bad as you can possibly make it, and is impregnated. I mean, that girl could be so messed up, physically and psychologically, that carrying that child could very well threaten her life."
The Voice of Reason: What if the girl WASN’T a virgin?
Senator Napoli: Babies are punishments for sluts.
Reason: Well, what if she’s not religious?
Senator: A baby will turn your life to god. Guaranteed.
Reason: What if she wasn’t planning on saving her virginity—
Senator: Sluts need babies.
Reason: What if she wasn’t brutalized in the rape.
Senator: Then she’s a slut and she liked it.
Reason: And if she wasn’t sodomised “as bad as you can possibly make it”?
Senator: Slut.
Reason: Just what do you mean by “as bad as you can possibly make it”?
Senator: Sodomized. Sodomized hard. Real hard. Hard and fast. No lube at all.
Reason: You are aware that anal sex doesn’t lead to pregnancy, right?
Senator: What are you, some kinda poop shoot lovin’ queer?
I guess it’s redundant to use an imaginary dialogue to demonize a guy who has done a good job of demonizing himself. Oh well. Statements like the one he made on PBS reveal the kind of mindset that is also behind much homophobia, specifically his highlighting of sodomy as a kind of rape with degrees of “badness.” Why not just use the term “rape?” Because he probably doesn’t believe most women who say they’ve gotten raped are telling the truth. He wants to see blood and bruises on a helpless feminine buttocks before he’ll believe an incident was rape.
Let’s face it, somebody who thinks about sex in this heterosexist (and unconsciously sadistic) way is not gonna stop at promoting anti-abortion legislature. He clearly believes the heterosexual male should be in charge of legislature, family life, and individual choice.
South Dakota only has one abortion clinic. If this new law isn’t struck down by voters or by the Supreme Court, in three years there might be zero abortion clinics in S. Dakota. So where will women turn who do not want to raise a child?
Napoli better pump his state's orphanages and emergency rooms full of money because those unwanted babies and those desperate women suffering infections from botched abortions are gonna end up needing lots of state support. But I guess the social and financial burdens imposed by this new law are outshined by the possibility of a heavenly state where at the end of the day everyone gets to feel like a good, clean, activist Christian.