As someone who grew up from the nourishment of the British colonial government, I never considered that I might have the option to be married to my same-sex partner at British diplomatic offices. For those who reside in Hong Kong and hold a British passport (both British nationals and Hong Kong Chinese who don't have the right to adobe in Britain), they were told today that they can't do so in that tiny, packed Special Administrative Region while they can do it in other countries including, believe it or not, the USA. Hong Kong objected to ritght of British passport holders to be entered into same-sex civil unions.
Read the report from the International Herald Tribune.
What's the surprise here? Do you think the Hong Kong government would really let same-sex couples marry on their soil (even though the Consulate is considered foreign territory) when they are still in the process of considering if laws preventing discrimination against gays are even necessary? Let's do the math: if half of the Hong Kong population holds a passport that entities them to get married in the British Consulate, we could reasonably expect that more than few might want to make official their same sex untions. This is most likely causing the Chinese to freak out. Gay marriage? Over their dead bodies!
And by the way, they've already spent more than a year contemplating on the necessity for the anti-discriminating laws against gays. What's there to consider for those damn laws? Discrimination is discrimination and they should legislate equal protection for gays just like any other marginalized gorup. And can you guess who's opposing the anti-discrimination laws in Hong Kong? Did I hear you say the religious right? That's right, you got it, it's them again, they're everywhere and they are trying to prevent equal rights everywhere. They might as well make their rallying cry "Kill the Gays." Hmm I wonder what Jesus would do?
Picture by Wajaja during his visit to Hong Kong many years ago.